March 10, 2022

Effective Sidewalk Strategy

Effective Sidewalk Strategy

The Lord has graciously given us some effective strategies to reach people at the abortion centers. In this episode, we encourage and challenge you with some of these effective strategies.

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Gospel-Centered Pro-Life Podcast

The Lord has graciously given us some effective strategies to reach people at the abortion centers. In this episode, we encourage and challenge you with some of these effective strategies.

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:04.320 Number Thirteen, number thirteen, Gospel Center doom. Yeah, this is a 2 00:00:04.440 --> 00:00:07.879 big one. Yeah, and it's number thirteen to say that. Yes, 3 00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:10.759 true, we could, we could add on the bonus. I do think 4 00:00:10.839 --> 00:00:15.119 this one sanctifies the number thirteen. If you're superstitious, this will take care 5 00:00:15.119 --> 00:00:20.760 of that. I Am Yours, I am yours, I am yours, 6 00:00:21.079 --> 00:00:27.039 and me Lord, I am yours, I am yours. I'm welcome to 7 00:00:27.039 --> 00:00:32.560 the Gospel Center Pro Life Podcast, a podcast designed to equip, encourage and 8 00:00:32.640 --> 00:00:36.640 challenge you in pro life ministry and always were the focus on the Gospel. 9 00:00:36.840 --> 00:00:47.759 Stay tuned. I felt show passish, touch your heart. Use Me. 10 00:00:50.159 --> 00:00:54.759 Welcome back to the Gospel centered pro life podcast. Appreciate you guys joining us 11 00:00:54.799 --> 00:00:58.320 and, as always, we'd appreciate if you guys would share this podcast with 12 00:00:58.359 --> 00:01:02.679 friends people that you know would be blessed to get a hold of this content. 13 00:01:02.960 --> 00:01:06.439 So share this episode and also give us some feedback. will have our 14 00:01:06.480 --> 00:01:10.079 email addresses available for you guys at the end of this episode and we do 15 00:01:10.200 --> 00:01:12.359 encourage you guys reach out to us with any suggestions that you have, maybe 16 00:01:12.439 --> 00:01:17.519 questions, struggles that you're having in your ministry at the abortion center. We 17 00:01:17.560 --> 00:01:21.840 would love to help talk through those struggles with you, help answer questions as 18 00:01:21.920 --> 00:01:23.959 much as we're able to, and so, yeah, feel free to reach 19 00:01:25.000 --> 00:01:29.959 out again. We'll give your email addresses at the end of this podcast episode. 20 00:01:30.079 --> 00:01:34.280 And so we're going to hop into our subject. So we're going to 21 00:01:34.319 --> 00:01:38.439 talk about the essential things that you need to know for sidewalk outreach. Over 22 00:01:38.519 --> 00:01:44.680 the course of our over two years of doing podcasts. Yeah, we have 23 00:01:44.760 --> 00:01:49.959 probably touched on all of these, but as separate podcast I thought it would 24 00:01:49.000 --> 00:01:55.359 be a good idea to just for especially for a new sidewalk outreach team, 25 00:01:55.560 --> 00:02:00.120 to have a list of what are the things that we feel are critical for 26 00:02:00.239 --> 00:02:04.400 a sidewalk team to know and to do? Okay, so that's what kind 27 00:02:04.439 --> 00:02:08.000 of sparked the list. Yeah, and I started off with the desire for 28 00:02:08.120 --> 00:02:13.080 ten, okay, essentials, but it didn't quite work out. Yeah, 29 00:02:13.159 --> 00:02:16.360 but not now. Now, I can't have like forty seven, forty seven 30 00:02:16.439 --> 00:02:20.560 essential things to know. No, it's right, it's not. Hundreds and 31 00:02:20.680 --> 00:02:23.199 thousands of me sensions, a lot of essentials. Are are a lot of 32 00:02:23.280 --> 00:02:27.919 essentials, but we did try to pair it down to at least the top. 33 00:02:28.439 --> 00:02:31.000 I don't know, twenty. You have. You have thirteen on one 34 00:02:31.039 --> 00:02:35.919 page here, right, and then I turned to the next page and it's 35 00:02:36.120 --> 00:02:42.879 bonus ideas. That's keeping a ten. Couldn't keep it the thirteen. You 36 00:02:42.919 --> 00:02:46.199 have two, have some. So there's some bonus right features. He said 37 00:02:46.199 --> 00:02:50.240 this was yeah, and then there's the less see cential, but they're still 38 00:02:50.360 --> 00:02:53.319 essentials. Yeah, we call those the bonus I. So we're going to 39 00:02:53.520 --> 00:02:58.520 try to keep this the thirty minutes or less, and so we'll try to 40 00:02:59.080 --> 00:03:00.960 go through these pretty quickly and then if we can get to some of the 41 00:03:01.120 --> 00:03:05.479 bonus ones, will get to some of the bonus ones, but if not, 42 00:03:05.639 --> 00:03:08.759 you guys will have to check out the article. So let's start with 43 00:03:09.199 --> 00:03:15.319 number one. Essential thing to know in sidewalk out reach. What is that? 44 00:03:15.560 --> 00:03:19.240 To honor and glorify God. Yeah, how that we think can do 45 00:03:19.319 --> 00:03:23.800 and say, yeah, that is the absolute primary goal of every sidewalk outreach. 46 00:03:23.879 --> 00:03:28.000 Yeah, yeah, it should be the goal of any ministry, if 47 00:03:28.000 --> 00:03:30.800 we're going to call it ministry, the focus has to be the Lord, 48 00:03:30.800 --> 00:03:36.080 honoring glorifying him, the way that we act, the way that we talk 49 00:03:36.919 --> 00:03:40.319 and even the motives of our heart, as best we can, discerning the 50 00:03:40.319 --> 00:03:45.240 motives of our heart. If our motives are just to glorify ourselves or to 51 00:03:45.280 --> 00:03:49.960 make ourselves feel like better Christians or whatever, we need to bring those motives 52 00:03:49.960 --> 00:03:53.280 to the Lord. We need to come with pure motives if we're going to 53 00:03:53.319 --> 00:03:59.120 serve in this ministry. So that's absolutely essential. God is number one. 54 00:03:59.199 --> 00:04:02.080 Yep, Yep. So, yeah, no particular order of the other ones, 55 00:04:02.120 --> 00:04:06.280 by the way they go just we're all what I thought were very important. 56 00:04:06.319 --> 00:04:10.680 So so the next two to know the facility. Yeah, I mean 57 00:04:10.719 --> 00:04:13.360 you got to know. When are they open? Yeah, when do they 58 00:04:13.400 --> 00:04:17.160 do abortions? You want to know when, what hours you're going to reach 59 00:04:17.199 --> 00:04:19.800 the most women. Yeah, before you go there, it'd be good to 60 00:04:19.800 --> 00:04:23.959 try and find well, you might have to go there to scope that right, 61 00:04:24.160 --> 00:04:27.160 but sometimes you can find that online or whatever. Yeah, you can, 62 00:04:27.319 --> 00:04:30.560 and I can give some tips to be able to figure this stuff out. 63 00:04:30.560 --> 00:04:33.879 It's important to know. I mean, there's only so much information you 64 00:04:33.920 --> 00:04:38.879 can know. We know a lot of information about our local abortion centers here 65 00:04:38.920 --> 00:04:42.160 because we got people that are out there every day they're open and a lot 66 00:04:42.199 --> 00:04:45.199 of observation going on. A lot of people that have been out here for 67 00:04:45.360 --> 00:04:49.199 years. We've had a lot of conversations with former abortion workers, and so 68 00:04:49.680 --> 00:04:55.439 information has been gathered over the years about these abortion clinics in Charlotte, because 69 00:04:55.439 --> 00:05:00.639 we've been out here for some years. But when there's a new abortionist or 70 00:05:00.680 --> 00:05:05.199 something, it does sometimes present itself as a challenge to figure out who that 71 00:05:05.319 --> 00:05:08.240 is. And while we want to know that well, we want to know 72 00:05:08.279 --> 00:05:11.879 what their track record is so we can warn people that are going to go 73 00:05:11.920 --> 00:05:19.079 in and and be subjected, subjected to their their horrible practices often times. 74 00:05:19.240 --> 00:05:25.879 Yeah, yeah, and so a few tips in this realm. The first 75 00:05:25.959 --> 00:05:31.879 thing is there's a website, abortion finder dot org. It's a pro abortion 76 00:05:31.879 --> 00:05:35.639 website. Actually, it was put together by some pro abortion people to help 77 00:05:35.720 --> 00:05:42.040 women, and I'm doing air quotes, navigate through the landscape of reproductive healthcare. 78 00:05:42.360 --> 00:05:47.279 Okay, so what their goal is to show women where they can go 79 00:05:47.319 --> 00:05:51.000 to have abortions instead of going to pregnancy centers, because a lot of pregnancy 80 00:05:51.000 --> 00:05:59.000 centers compete in search engine optimization on Google with abortion centers, and so women 81 00:05:59.120 --> 00:06:01.120 end up at pregn to see centers rather than an abortion centers. Of course, 82 00:06:01.120 --> 00:06:05.279 you and I think that's great plan. Parenthood. Abortion providers don't think 83 00:06:05.279 --> 00:06:12.879 it's great because it diverts people from them. And so this website, abortion 84 00:06:12.959 --> 00:06:16.560 finder dot org, has actually been a really helpful tool for me as I'm 85 00:06:16.600 --> 00:06:21.240 looking across the nation and seeking to try to raise up teams and certain areas. 86 00:06:21.240 --> 00:06:25.079 As we as an organization or trying to do that, we could find 87 00:06:25.079 --> 00:06:30.240 where these abortion centers are by using that pro abortion website. All you do 88 00:06:30.399 --> 00:06:35.560 is put your city in city and state and then ask a few little other 89 00:06:35.639 --> 00:06:39.959 questions that you can answer, push search and it will show you all the 90 00:06:40.000 --> 00:06:45.160 abortion centers in a particular area. It will tell you how far long they 91 00:06:45.160 --> 00:06:47.360 do abortions, what type of abortions they do that. Do they do just 92 00:06:47.439 --> 00:06:53.920 the abortion peel or do they do abortion peel and surgical abortions? It'll give 93 00:06:53.959 --> 00:06:57.240 you all that information. That's US actually. I mean it's not awesome, 94 00:06:57.279 --> 00:07:00.199 but right, it's useful. It's very yes, and it's using the enemies 95 00:07:00.199 --> 00:07:03.199 tool, yeah, I mean the Devil's tool, yeah, against him. 96 00:07:03.279 --> 00:07:08.680 Yeah. And then another thing to do to be able to figure out information 97 00:07:08.720 --> 00:07:14.519 that many people might not think of is read the reviews on Google. Once 98 00:07:14.560 --> 00:07:16.360 you go an abortion finder dot org, you find out where the abortion centers 99 00:07:16.399 --> 00:07:20.120 at just copy the name and the address of it, throw it in Google 100 00:07:20.240 --> 00:07:24.959 and you'll see reviews there. Read those reviews, because a lot of those 101 00:07:24.959 --> 00:07:28.800 reviews will they'll tell you a lot of things. If you pick up on 102 00:07:28.839 --> 00:07:31.399 patterns, you can see people saying they showed up at a particular time and 103 00:07:31.399 --> 00:07:34.160 they had to wait a particular amount of time, and so some of them 104 00:07:34.160 --> 00:07:39.920 are angry at that. I'm kind of giving all this stuff away. So 105 00:07:41.360 --> 00:07:45.120 these are like these are like top secret tips. Hopefully this will bless you, 106 00:07:45.160 --> 00:07:49.480 guys and encourage you. But you can also find the abortionist names a 107 00:07:49.519 --> 00:07:55.000 lot of times, yeah, on the reviews, and these are positive reviews. 108 00:07:55.040 --> 00:07:58.639 A lot of times so and so Dr so and so was such a 109 00:07:58.639 --> 00:08:01.600 great doctor. And then you know the abortionist name. You can google search 110 00:08:01.720 --> 00:08:05.439 them, find citations that are on their medical record and things like that. 111 00:08:05.519 --> 00:08:09.759 Again, we're not we're not creeping on these people as far as like going 112 00:08:09.800 --> 00:08:13.480 to their houses and stuff. I don't encourage you to do that at all, 113 00:08:13.879 --> 00:08:16.519 but it's good to know who these people are. Yeah, because these 114 00:08:16.519 --> 00:08:20.720 people first of all, like we need to be praying for these people specifically 115 00:08:20.759 --> 00:08:22.560 by name, that they come to know the Lord. There have been abortionists 116 00:08:22.560 --> 00:08:26.079 that have repented of abortions and come to the Lord. So we need to 117 00:08:26.079 --> 00:08:28.959 be praying for them by name, but also we need to know their track 118 00:08:30.040 --> 00:08:35.120 record so we can warn people about what they have done in their past and 119 00:08:35.159 --> 00:08:37.600 the danger that they're putting themselves in. Right, and and you know any 120 00:08:37.600 --> 00:08:41.799 other doctor you would go to. That's public records. You can jined it. 121 00:08:41.919 --> 00:08:46.039 You cannot find it unless you dig it's very right. Coult to find 122 00:08:46.080 --> 00:08:50.279 it. On who's going to be doing the abortion? Yeah, maybe women 123 00:08:50.320 --> 00:08:54.000 are showing up to yeah, so I spent a little little longer on that 124 00:08:54.000 --> 00:08:56.360 one then probably most of the other ones of but let's go ahead and go 125 00:08:56.399 --> 00:09:00.000 through the rest as much as we can. Yeah, the three talking points 126 00:08:58.799 --> 00:09:05.639 is the third point that focus on. Organize your speech at the abortion center, 127 00:09:05.679 --> 00:09:07.639 depending on no matter how much time you have, you should always try 128 00:09:07.639 --> 00:09:11.320 and get in the three main talking points. We have done that to be 129 00:09:11.399 --> 00:09:16.720 very effective. Yeah, and those are well, they are what God says, 130 00:09:16.679 --> 00:09:22.679 the humanity of the baby and the resources that are available. Right, 131 00:09:22.919 --> 00:09:26.600 right, practice them, practice in front of a mirror. Yeah, practice 132 00:09:26.639 --> 00:09:31.159 what you would say in fifteen seconds, a minute, five minutes. It's 133 00:09:31.279 --> 00:09:33.879 and longer. Yeah. Yeah, and we did a whole part, a 134 00:09:33.879 --> 00:09:39.799 whole podcast about the three talking points. Yeah, talk about those in probably 135 00:09:39.600 --> 00:09:43.480 every other podcast, if not every podcast. So yeah, I mean this 136 00:09:43.600 --> 00:09:48.840 is just a framework for speaking to people at the abortion center. Three main 137 00:09:48.120 --> 00:09:52.120 subjects to be covering. Yeah, as you're reaching out of the abortion centers. 138 00:09:52.200 --> 00:09:58.799 Yeah, the fourth one is to have literature ready and figure out where 139 00:09:58.799 --> 00:10:01.080 you're going to set up your team members, where it's where they can hand 140 00:10:01.120 --> 00:10:05.399 out that literature. Yeah, optimally. Yeah, whatever literature you have, 141 00:10:05.919 --> 00:10:11.440 we have some that we put out. Yeah, there is even some on 142 00:10:11.440 --> 00:10:13.159 our website, right sidebox for life. Isn't there? It right. But 143 00:10:13.360 --> 00:10:18.000 yeah, so if you're not part of love life and you're looking for literature 144 00:10:18.080 --> 00:10:20.159 to hand out, we do have a template, sort of like a generic 145 00:10:20.960 --> 00:10:24.679 version of what we use under love life that you can print out. You 146 00:10:24.679 --> 00:10:28.759 can have it printed at a local printer or some printer print shops online can 147 00:10:28.799 --> 00:10:33.159 do that for you for fairly cheap. But I mean there's other things out 148 00:10:33.200 --> 00:10:37.559 there that you can get a hold of. Tiny hands that hold my heart 149 00:10:37.639 --> 00:10:41.720 is a brochure that we used to use for a long time. I think 150 00:10:41.759 --> 00:10:45.919 you can go on tiny hands bookcom or dot org, one of the two. 151 00:10:46.080 --> 00:10:48.679 Yeah, and you can order those. So that's a that's a good 152 00:10:48.720 --> 00:10:52.120 one as well. Yeah, and as far as this team placement thing, 153 00:10:52.159 --> 00:10:58.679 you've got to be thinking in terms of where are people likely to stop to 154 00:10:58.679 --> 00:11:03.080 take literature? If it's a busy road, you're not going to get people 155 00:11:03.080 --> 00:11:07.720 to stop. If it's a busy and fast traveled road, people are likely 156 00:11:07.759 --> 00:11:11.000 not going to stop to take it your information on that road. You don't 157 00:11:11.000 --> 00:11:13.840 really want them to. That's dangerous, right. And so you want to 158 00:11:13.879 --> 00:11:18.320 position yourself at the driveway after they pull in, if you're able to do 159 00:11:18.360 --> 00:11:22.279 that. Now we every scenario so different we can't tell you exactly what you 160 00:11:22.320 --> 00:11:26.120 can do. Definitely pray through, think through, figure out where the boundaries 161 00:11:26.159 --> 00:11:30.519 are, the property lines and all that stuff, and put your your team 162 00:11:30.559 --> 00:11:35.000 and yourself in an optimal position. I'll give an example. Here at Latrobe 163 00:11:35.159 --> 00:11:39.440 they're actually two driveways that people will pull into. The first driveway, which 164 00:11:39.480 --> 00:11:43.039 is the main driveway, which is where we always have someone plays, is 165 00:11:43.080 --> 00:11:46.320 the driveway to the abortion center, but there's also a call center driveway just 166 00:11:46.399 --> 00:11:52.039 down from it and often times people miss the primary driveway and go and that 167 00:11:52.159 --> 00:11:56.440 driveway to either park or to turn around, and so we want to have 168 00:11:56.480 --> 00:11:58.799 someone there because they're able to get people going in and coming back out, 169 00:11:58.799 --> 00:12:01.720 if they're turning around and coming back out, good to the main parking lot. 170 00:12:03.559 --> 00:12:07.759 So thinking through things like that, I've used Google maps and Google maps 171 00:12:07.759 --> 00:12:11.799 will show you if you want to know, because we're on a loop here. 172 00:12:11.840 --> 00:12:16.039 So latrobe drive is a big loop and people could come around either side 173 00:12:16.080 --> 00:12:20.480 of the loop. If I only have two people and I need somebody out 174 00:12:20.519 --> 00:12:22.879 in front of you abortion center and I need someone handed out literature, I 175 00:12:22.919 --> 00:12:26.759 want to figure out, okay, where most people coming from so I can 176 00:12:26.799 --> 00:12:31.759 know where to place that one other person that I have. Where's my optimal 177 00:12:31.799 --> 00:12:33.759 position going to be? So I'll put it in Google maps and I find 178 00:12:33.799 --> 00:12:37.120 that most people come around one side of the loop and so I'm going to 179 00:12:37.159 --> 00:12:41.879 position somebody that side first and then, if I had an extra person, 180 00:12:41.919 --> 00:12:43.960 to position them on the other side of the loop. Yeah, and so 181 00:12:45.120 --> 00:12:48.159 just you know, of course, using some some of these tools like Google 182 00:12:48.240 --> 00:12:52.440 maps, like apple maps and things like that, but you figure out what 183 00:12:52.480 --> 00:12:54.840 to do. Is your teach it can and where you know what we could 184 00:12:54.840 --> 00:12:58.039 have whittled it down one more because actually the next one is very similar to 185 00:12:58.039 --> 00:13:03.320 to strategically set team members in an optimal desition, not only to pass out 186 00:13:03.360 --> 00:13:07.759 literature, which was the point before, but where they're going to reach the 187 00:13:07.799 --> 00:13:11.720 MOM's most effective. Yeah, so where they had the moms can hear us, 188 00:13:11.759 --> 00:13:18.440 you know, don't clump together in the in the in the team. 189 00:13:18.039 --> 00:13:22.600 Where you set up your team? Yeah, try to make sure that people 190 00:13:22.600 --> 00:13:26.159 are spread out, not not chit chatting with each other. So that it's 191 00:13:26.279 --> 00:13:28.840 very important to be strategic and how you set up your teams. We've only 192 00:13:30.039 --> 00:13:33.480 had to team members the past couple of days and honestly, we've had a 193 00:13:33.480 --> 00:13:37.840 lot of interactions, which is kind of surprising and counterintuitive, but sometimes when 194 00:13:37.879 --> 00:13:43.000 you have fewer people or people spread really far out, you're just less threatening. 195 00:13:43.120 --> 00:13:46.720 Yeah, and sometimes you do have more interactions. People are more willing 196 00:13:46.759 --> 00:13:50.480 to come and talk with you. So if you have a large team, 197 00:13:50.519 --> 00:13:54.000 be sure to spread them out. Yeah, that is an absolute must, 198 00:13:54.120 --> 00:13:56.799 because people do gravitate toward each other. YEA, and we have to remember 199 00:13:56.799 --> 00:14:01.600 we're not out there to protest against a calls or something like that. We're 200 00:14:01.639 --> 00:14:03.720 out there to reach the women and the men going into the bortion center. 201 00:14:03.840 --> 00:14:07.279 So if we spread out more and we get more strategic about the way we 202 00:14:07.320 --> 00:14:11.799 place people rather than, I mean, if you want to use signs, 203 00:14:11.840 --> 00:14:16.559 sign ministries really powerful, but having ten people come together with ten different signs 204 00:14:16.600 --> 00:14:22.200 all on the same spot, no one's reading those signs. Yeah, it's 205 00:14:22.240 --> 00:14:24.600 like they miss the forest for the trees. If you spread people out up 206 00:14:24.679 --> 00:14:30.440 the road or you know, however, however the layout is, those messages 207 00:14:30.480 --> 00:14:33.000 can kind of be trickled as the women are coming, although I would say 208 00:14:33.159 --> 00:14:37.720 upon each other that the message is is is building. Yeah, so that 209 00:14:37.720 --> 00:14:41.600 by the time you get to the person with the literature, people maybe have 210 00:14:41.679 --> 00:14:45.759 kind of been are more inclined to stop. Yeah, yeah, I do 211 00:14:45.840 --> 00:14:48.720 think, though, it's good to have a consistent message. Obviously, yes, 212 00:14:48.759 --> 00:14:52.159 and what you're displaying on your signs, but that's not really one of 213 00:14:52.200 --> 00:14:56.000 the essentials here, right, right. But an essential is to begin an 214 00:14:56.120 --> 00:15:01.720 end in team prayer is so easy, honestly, to we love prayer, 215 00:15:01.759 --> 00:15:05.360 but it's just so busy out there. Every moment is kind of a crisis 216 00:15:05.360 --> 00:15:09.080 moment. It's really sometimes hard, but it be very intentional. Yeah, 217 00:15:09.080 --> 00:15:15.480 to begin and end in prayer because you're calling God into this battle. It 218 00:15:15.600 --> 00:15:20.960 is right battle anyway. So for us to remind ourselves of that, I 219 00:15:20.960 --> 00:15:24.759 think is is real yeah, and mordant. This really dedicating the time to 220 00:15:24.840 --> 00:15:31.360 the Lord. I really think that praying together before and after helps continue that 221 00:15:31.519 --> 00:15:35.639 unity and just acknowledge that unity that we have because we're the body of Christ, 222 00:15:35.759 --> 00:15:39.159 but also again acknowledge our reliance on the Lord. We need him, 223 00:15:39.240 --> 00:15:43.320 we don't have the stuff figured out ourselves. I think that's really important. 224 00:15:43.480 --> 00:15:46.519 I think it's also a witnessed all the other people out there, the pro 225 00:15:46.600 --> 00:15:50.159 abortion people, the the MOM's, even if they see you bowing your head 226 00:15:50.840 --> 00:15:54.200 and being in prayer. Yeah, this one is the next one. Keeping 227 00:15:54.240 --> 00:15:58.120 the priority of ministry focus in mind, I think is a really important one. 228 00:15:58.200 --> 00:16:02.960 It is so easy to get distracted, but just remember our main ministry 229 00:16:02.960 --> 00:16:06.720 focus are those moms. Yeah, and and the unborn child. Yeah, 230 00:16:06.960 --> 00:16:11.679 always glorifying God, but but the ministry is to the UNBOARD babies. And 231 00:16:11.799 --> 00:16:15.799 it is easy to just get mad at the pro abortion crowd and right screaming 232 00:16:15.840 --> 00:16:21.399 at them, or even the doctor, or socalled doctor, the abortionist or 233 00:16:21.399 --> 00:16:26.559 the workers, and and we'll lose our what should be our priority? Richer 234 00:16:26.639 --> 00:16:30.759 the MOM's yeah, yeah, keep keep that in mind. And Yeah, 235 00:16:30.799 --> 00:16:33.759 I like this next one. Yeah, and this has this really speaks to 236 00:16:33.799 --> 00:16:37.480 discipleship and, yeah, training others. Yeah, and this is whenever possible, 237 00:16:37.559 --> 00:16:41.399 have an experienced counselor guiding and modeling for newer counselors. You've got people 238 00:16:41.440 --> 00:16:44.879 who've been out there, we do here in Charlotte, that have been out 239 00:16:44.919 --> 00:16:48.600 here on the sidewalk seven, eight years, right, so maybe even more 240 00:16:48.639 --> 00:16:51.639 than that. And then, of course you've got brand new people that have 241 00:16:51.639 --> 00:16:53.759 come along and some of your cities, you guys, may not have people 242 00:16:53.799 --> 00:16:56.080 that have been out there for years. Maybe you have people that have been 243 00:16:56.080 --> 00:17:00.320 out there for months. They've been out there longer than you're newer people and 244 00:17:00.360 --> 00:17:03.440 they can show them the robes. They can. It's just it just helps 245 00:17:03.480 --> 00:17:10.039 give people more confidence when they're being an apprentice to someone else, right, 246 00:17:10.039 --> 00:17:12.799 they're coming alongside someone else who's done it before. That's how just help still 247 00:17:12.839 --> 00:17:15.759 confidence, right. That's how yeah, his disciples. Yeah, it was 248 00:17:15.759 --> 00:17:21.200 really apprenticeship kind of. They they watch Jesus in action and that's that's how 249 00:17:21.240 --> 00:17:26.039 they learned. Yeah, but and if you don't have experienced people, you 250 00:17:26.079 --> 00:17:30.039 know contact us. Yeah, we start watch our podcast, watch our mock 251 00:17:30.440 --> 00:17:36.440 videos, because that you can learn a lot in that way if you don't 252 00:17:36.440 --> 00:17:40.759 have experienced people on the sidewalk to learn from. Yeah, and that gets 253 00:17:40.799 --> 00:17:45.960 into the ninth one. To practice role playing difficult and common situations. You 254 00:17:45.000 --> 00:17:49.680 can practice even if you don't have experienced, but if you practice with your 255 00:17:49.680 --> 00:17:55.640 team members, what are some of the issues you have faced? And then 256 00:17:55.680 --> 00:17:57.960 you go over what could I have said, what could you have said, 257 00:17:59.440 --> 00:18:03.279 and you'll you'll know more the longer you've been out there, where the typical 258 00:18:03.279 --> 00:18:07.160 things you're going to face. But role playing is such a great way. 259 00:18:07.240 --> 00:18:11.799 Yeah, learn. Yeah, absolutely, being in the crisis situation. Yeah. 260 00:18:11.920 --> 00:18:17.519 So, yeah, the next one was one that was in place here 261 00:18:17.559 --> 00:18:21.119 in Charlotte before I ever came on board, and I think it's a really 262 00:18:21.160 --> 00:18:26.440 important way to build team unity. Yeah, absolutely. We've talked about this 263 00:18:26.480 --> 00:18:30.599 before, and that's having some kind of central point. You have on here 264 00:18:30.880 --> 00:18:34.599 a team landing page, basically a place, a group, whether it be 265 00:18:34.640 --> 00:18:38.319 a facebook group. There's all kinds of stuff. Now there's telegram, there's 266 00:18:38.319 --> 00:18:44.480 what's APP, there's I don't know, there's all kinds of ways, text 267 00:18:44.599 --> 00:18:48.119 group, email, thread, whatever. I think facebook groups are the best 268 00:18:48.200 --> 00:18:52.559 personally, because there's so much there. You can add to the files section, 269 00:18:52.720 --> 00:18:56.359 certain files and certain things that people can download for you know, like 270 00:18:56.440 --> 00:19:00.759 the talking points thing that we did, or kind of like the oneliners that 271 00:19:00.799 --> 00:19:04.039 you did, resource guide, stuff like that, we have in the file 272 00:19:04.119 --> 00:19:08.039 section on our facebook group. But either way, some kind of way that 273 00:19:08.079 --> 00:19:11.799 you can encourage each other, some way that you can put a scripture out 274 00:19:11.839 --> 00:19:15.240 there, something the Lord put on your heart for that day of Ministry. 275 00:19:15.519 --> 00:19:22.160 And also I think it's important that you have somebody heading up the ministry for 276 00:19:22.200 --> 00:19:26.960 that day. We call a team lead. That puts out a report so 277 00:19:26.000 --> 00:19:30.400 that everybody else on that group can know what's going on. It's it's really 278 00:19:30.440 --> 00:19:34.200 helpful for everybody to know. Maybe you're we talked about this before. Your 279 00:19:34.240 --> 00:19:38.559 Tuesday team doesn't really know the people on the Monday team, but they see 280 00:19:38.599 --> 00:19:44.119 their report every week and they're encouraged by it. And maybe the Wednesday team 281 00:19:44.160 --> 00:19:47.519 had a bad week, but they can be encouraged by what God did the 282 00:19:47.519 --> 00:19:51.119 next day on Thursday, and there's some Continui, there's some connection there. 283 00:19:51.160 --> 00:19:56.240 Wednesday team maybe had a challenge with somebody in a particular vehicle and they can 284 00:19:56.240 --> 00:19:59.680 say hey, watch out for this vehicle tomorrow because they're going to give you 285 00:19:59.720 --> 00:20:03.240 problems. Because we do see today abortions and we see people come back multiple 286 00:20:03.319 --> 00:20:07.119 days for various reasons that are coming to the abortion center. So it's just 287 00:20:07.160 --> 00:20:10.559 a way to keep that continuity, that connection with each other and to know 288 00:20:11.359 --> 00:20:15.240 that you're in this battle together with others, not by yourself. Yeah, 289 00:20:15.279 --> 00:20:22.240 and it's also great place for people in leadership position to encourage and praise specific 290 00:20:22.319 --> 00:20:26.200 things they may have seen out on the sidewalk in specific team members, just 291 00:20:27.000 --> 00:20:30.119 to say we notice you. Yeah, we noticed what you've done and this 292 00:20:30.240 --> 00:20:37.079 was really good, and to then for the team also to be able to 293 00:20:37.079 --> 00:20:40.119 express when there's been things that have been really hard. Yeah, and and 294 00:20:40.200 --> 00:20:42.880 what you know, ask for advice. How do we deal with this better? 295 00:20:44.039 --> 00:20:47.599 Yeah. So, yeah, just a way to stay connected. Yeah, 296 00:20:47.839 --> 00:20:52.480 it is. When moms do choose life, and they will eventually. 297 00:20:52.519 --> 00:20:55.200 If your brand new, don't worry, it'll come. Your Day will come. 298 00:20:55.400 --> 00:20:57.680 Yeah, you will choose life and when they do, ask them why 299 00:20:57.759 --> 00:21:02.720 they chose life at some point point in your discussion with them and what I 300 00:21:02.759 --> 00:21:07.599 do is I keep a word doc of the how MOMS have responded to that 301 00:21:07.680 --> 00:21:12.640 question, and it becomes such a valuable way to train sidebock counselors. These 302 00:21:12.680 --> 00:21:15.440 are some things that have worked in the past. We should probably use them 303 00:21:15.440 --> 00:21:19.079 again. Yeah, yeah, because they they we know that they're effective. 304 00:21:19.359 --> 00:21:26.440 So I think that that's helpful. And having that word doc that you can 305 00:21:26.880 --> 00:21:30.640 send out, yeah, to new volunteers. In fact, we've got it 306 00:21:30.839 --> 00:21:33.839 printed off of four pages. I think we've shared that on a podcast. 307 00:21:33.920 --> 00:21:37.960 Yeah, and and then new counselors can look at these one liners of things 308 00:21:38.000 --> 00:21:42.480 that MOMS have said. These were effective things that that they heard. Yeah, 309 00:21:42.480 --> 00:21:45.839 in conjunction with this, what I also do, and I do recommend 310 00:21:45.920 --> 00:21:48.640 it, I think it's really a good way to stay in touch with the 311 00:21:48.680 --> 00:21:55.559 MOMS, is to have a group blind copy email list of moms that have 312 00:21:55.640 --> 00:21:59.039 chosen life. Yeah, and then every single morning I will send out a 313 00:21:59.079 --> 00:22:04.119 scripture to this group, which is grown to be quite large now. So 314 00:22:04.119 --> 00:22:10.640 so they're they sometimes are following or I'm following them for years. This, 315 00:22:10.640 --> 00:22:14.799 this list is now nine years old, sir. So I pretty much started 316 00:22:14.839 --> 00:22:18.359 it from the beginning of me being on the sidewalk and then you can also 317 00:22:18.480 --> 00:22:22.160 pull them if you need, you know, kind of a consensus of MOMS. 318 00:22:22.279 --> 00:22:25.880 You if you get donations, you can put it on the list. 319 00:22:25.960 --> 00:22:30.079 It's really a useful, easy way to stay in touch with the group's yeah, 320 00:22:30.119 --> 00:22:34.000 moms that have chosen light. Yeah, so we've had situations where somebody 321 00:22:34.039 --> 00:22:37.039 reaches out to us as a ministry and says, Hey, I have a 322 00:22:37.079 --> 00:22:41.519 refrigerator that I would like to donate to a mom in need. Do you 323 00:22:41.519 --> 00:22:44.960 guys have anybody? You've got a list of a hundred and fifty moms on 324 00:22:44.960 --> 00:22:47.680 an email thread. You shoot it out there. Hey, any you guys 325 00:22:47.680 --> 00:22:52.799 in need a refrigerator? And we've had that very thing play out where we 326 00:22:52.839 --> 00:22:56.880 have a volunteer go and deliver the refrigerator. And that's another way to continue 327 00:22:56.920 --> 00:23:00.240 to minister to these ladies show, in the love of Jesus, keep connected. 328 00:23:00.319 --> 00:23:06.319 So the lie to the pro abortion claim that we're just pro birth. 329 00:23:06.599 --> 00:23:08.480 Yeah, because some of these women, like I said, I've been following 330 00:23:08.559 --> 00:23:11.680 nine years and some of them from nine years ago I've reached out and said, 331 00:23:11.720 --> 00:23:15.200 hey, I really need a kitchen table. Yeah, I see, 332 00:23:15.200 --> 00:23:18.839 you know something like that and we do we try to have ongoing hell, 333 00:23:18.920 --> 00:23:25.480 Yep, but that's just an easy way to do that. Yeah, number 334 00:23:25.519 --> 00:23:29.240 twelve you have here on the list, very important and we've talked about this 335 00:23:29.319 --> 00:23:33.000 not too long ago. We talked about I think is the podcast where we 336 00:23:33.039 --> 00:23:36.720 said let the words of our mouth be true. Right, always true, 337 00:23:36.799 --> 00:23:38.960 or something like it. Completely true, maybe like that, something like that. 338 00:23:41.119 --> 00:23:44.920 But this is never make promises you cannot keep. This is important. 339 00:23:44.960 --> 00:23:48.079 Yeah, that we shouldn't say things like will provide for all of your needs, 340 00:23:48.279 --> 00:23:52.599 will take care of everything. That's just not true. We couldn't do 341 00:23:52.680 --> 00:23:56.559 that. It's impossible to take care of every need. Always will say, 342 00:23:56.680 --> 00:24:03.079 I said this on that podcast, that we have resources to help with whatever 343 00:24:03.160 --> 00:24:06.240 needs you have. So we have resources that will help with whatever need you 344 00:24:06.240 --> 00:24:08.920 have, never promising that we're going to take care of every issue, but 345 00:24:08.960 --> 00:24:11.960 promising that we will do our best. I think that's how you word it. 346 00:24:12.240 --> 00:24:17.880 We will do our best to help get you connected with resources that meet 347 00:24:17.960 --> 00:24:22.039 whatever needs you have. Right. And and if you have said you're going 348 00:24:22.079 --> 00:24:26.119 to do something, another important part of this is followed through. Yeah, 349 00:24:26.279 --> 00:24:32.559 do it right, because these women I have oftentimes faced so much lies. 350 00:24:32.680 --> 00:24:41.640 Yeah, ejection, deceit and and so we need to build their trust in 351 00:24:41.160 --> 00:24:48.400 God ultimately, by we are God's voice. Yeah, where yes, messengers 352 00:24:48.440 --> 00:24:52.839 and and we need to follow through on anything that we have said we will 353 00:24:52.880 --> 00:24:56.640 do. Yeah, an example, a simple example of that, as I'll 354 00:24:56.640 --> 00:25:00.240 say, you have a mom that chose life and you've connected with her and 355 00:25:00.319 --> 00:25:03.279 you've told her, because this is what we encourage when we train people, 356 00:25:03.319 --> 00:25:07.839 this is what encourage you to do. Tell them that you will follow up 357 00:25:07.079 --> 00:25:11.279 with them later that day. I set a time, get their phone number, 358 00:25:11.319 --> 00:25:15.680 give them your phone number and say can I follow up with you at 359 00:25:15.680 --> 00:25:18.240 three PM Today? Yeah, which I think is important, because the enemy 360 00:25:18.319 --> 00:25:21.799 is going to be speaking lies, going to be tempted them to make another 361 00:25:21.839 --> 00:25:23.680 appointment. Come back. If you say you're going to call them at three 362 00:25:23.680 --> 00:25:27.160 o'clock, call them at three o'clock right, text them at three o'clock. 363 00:25:27.200 --> 00:25:32.200 Whatever you said you were going to do, do it now. Don't always 364 00:25:32.240 --> 00:25:37.079 expect for them to answer. I mean again, they're there's some stuff going 365 00:25:37.160 --> 00:25:40.240 on, some chaos going on in their lives, so don't be offended if 366 00:25:40.279 --> 00:25:44.200 they don't answer. Yeah, but inasmuch as it depends on you, do 367 00:25:44.240 --> 00:25:47.559 what you said you would do. Yeah, and that's just one example of 368 00:25:47.599 --> 00:25:52.880 many others that promises you might make in your zeal to help that mom who's 369 00:25:52.880 --> 00:25:56.960 who's choosing life or who you want to choose life. Yeah, yeah, 370 00:25:56.039 --> 00:26:00.720 so be careful with your zeal. Yeah, careful that. We know you're 371 00:26:00.759 --> 00:26:04.480 excited and you you want to promise this mom in the world, but be 372 00:26:04.680 --> 00:26:08.440 very careful that it. Like, I just had a conversation a couple days 373 00:26:08.480 --> 00:26:12.119 ago with the MOM and I listed off all of the things that I was 374 00:26:12.160 --> 00:26:17.240 going to send her immediately. One of them was an online Bible. She 375 00:26:17.240 --> 00:26:18.519 didn't even have a Bible. Yeah, I was going to send her the 376 00:26:18.519 --> 00:26:22.279 link to an online Bible and I actually said, as soon as I get 377 00:26:22.319 --> 00:26:26.119 off the phone, I'll do that. And I got off the phone and 378 00:26:26.160 --> 00:26:27.960 I forgot. Yeah, so it was like it was like a half an 379 00:26:27.960 --> 00:26:32.279 hour later when I remembered and I was in the middle of other stuff, 380 00:26:32.279 --> 00:26:36.119 but I zipped back and and did that and said I'm so sorry, you 381 00:26:36.160 --> 00:26:38.519 know, I apologized and because I had told her I'd send it right away. 382 00:26:38.599 --> 00:26:41.880 Yeah, she was very grateful to get it, but that was that's 383 00:26:41.920 --> 00:26:45.319 an example of something that maybe didn't seem like such a big deal. Yeah, 384 00:26:45.400 --> 00:26:48.640 but when I said I'm going to get off the phone and send you 385 00:26:48.720 --> 00:26:49.960 this, that's what I should have done. Yeah, and we all need 386 00:26:51.000 --> 00:26:55.319 to be really careful. Yeah, no doubt. Number Thirteen, Number Thirteen, 387 00:26:55.440 --> 00:26:59.240 Gospel Center do. Yeah, this is a big one. Yeah, 388 00:26:59.240 --> 00:27:02.759 and it's or thirteen to say that. That's true. We could, we 389 00:27:02.799 --> 00:27:06.440 could add on the bonus idea. I think this one sanctifies the number thirteen. 390 00:27:06.559 --> 00:27:08.640 If you're superstitious. True, this will take care of that, so 391 00:27:08.720 --> 00:27:15.799 good for it. Okay, never neglect the Gospel. Yeah, we talked 392 00:27:15.880 --> 00:27:19.160 in the past about be careful with the message of forgiveness at the wrong time 393 00:27:19.359 --> 00:27:26.000 because moms might be using it, are using it as justification to abort. 394 00:27:26.079 --> 00:27:30.599 Yeah, but the Gospel is the power of Christ to save, and so 395 00:27:30.680 --> 00:27:36.599 we absolutely cannot neglect the gospel. Right. We need to find a way 396 00:27:36.640 --> 00:27:41.759 to work the Gospel in whenever you have any kind of prolonged interaction with the 397 00:27:41.799 --> 00:27:45.880 MOM's yeah, and even in literature that you hand out. Yeah, we 398 00:27:45.920 --> 00:27:49.000 have in our literature that we use Love Life, the the Gospel. It's 399 00:27:49.039 --> 00:27:55.680 like a one paragraph clear explanation of the Gospel, laying it out right. 400 00:27:56.559 --> 00:27:59.480 There's Gospel tracks out there and now, I do think we talked about this 401 00:27:59.480 --> 00:28:03.160 in another episode a while back about handing out literature. I do think it's 402 00:28:03.200 --> 00:28:06.759 a bad idea to hand them one brochure and then a Gospel Track and then 403 00:28:06.759 --> 00:28:10.680 a gospel of John and then a video about, you know, explaining the 404 00:28:10.720 --> 00:28:15.039 Gospel, like too much stuff. They're going to just throw it aside and 405 00:28:15.160 --> 00:28:19.960 not not even read it at all. One good piece of literature maybe too 406 00:28:21.039 --> 00:28:23.319 if you have brochures at you hand out, maybe the tiny hands brochures they 407 00:28:23.359 --> 00:28:29.759 have scripture woven through them. But maybe you want to add a gospel track 408 00:28:29.839 --> 00:28:33.279 in there. That's great, but you just don't want to glow to it 409 00:28:33.400 --> 00:28:37.880 with too much stuff. But I do think having the Gospel in whatever literature 410 00:28:37.880 --> 00:28:41.319 you hand out is really important. So I really like our literature for that 411 00:28:41.359 --> 00:28:47.680 reason, because I think it has all of the main critical things in one 412 00:28:47.880 --> 00:28:52.400 very succinct pamphlet. Yeah, it's only a trifold pamphlet. It's got the 413 00:28:52.440 --> 00:28:56.519 three talking points, development of the baby, what God says about the baby, 414 00:28:56.559 --> 00:29:03.000 a smallest of resources. It has the Gospel in a like a paragraph, 415 00:29:03.039 --> 00:29:07.319 and and then it has some pertinent scripture yell in one. Yeah, 416 00:29:07.359 --> 00:29:11.079 so I think it's really, really valuable. Yeah, we made it. 417 00:29:11.240 --> 00:29:12.880 We have enough time to give us some of the bonus ideas. We get 418 00:29:14.000 --> 00:29:15.920 just a few minutes. Okay, so let's let's knock out some of the 419 00:29:15.960 --> 00:29:21.400 bonus ideas. Here's the the bonus essentials. You know what I already said. 420 00:29:21.480 --> 00:29:23.559 Number one, so the email is blind copyright. We already sent that 421 00:29:23.599 --> 00:29:27.000 one, so you don't need to worry about that one. Have key numbers 422 00:29:27.039 --> 00:29:32.160 on your phone. Yeah, yeah, so things like pregnancy resource centers, 423 00:29:32.319 --> 00:29:36.039 right, a high risk doctor who would council for free if you can find 424 00:29:36.079 --> 00:29:41.200 one. We have one. We talked about that in our lawst top maternity 425 00:29:41.200 --> 00:29:44.799 centers, the how for housing, correct key issues. So think what the 426 00:29:44.880 --> 00:29:48.720 top issues are going to be. Childcare is another one, and if you 427 00:29:48.839 --> 00:29:52.960 can have a resource speed dial on your phone or, you know, easily 428 00:29:53.000 --> 00:29:59.559 reached on your phone, those are important. Yeah, number three, which 429 00:29:59.599 --> 00:30:03.599 is might seem self serving, but we do these podcasts to serve you guys 430 00:30:03.599 --> 00:30:08.240 who are listening. Listen to our podcasts because we talk on a regular basis 431 00:30:08.279 --> 00:30:14.039 about sidewalk out reach. I think it's probably a rare niche that we cover. 432 00:30:14.720 --> 00:30:17.640 We're involved in this world of ministry, so we're not just talking about 433 00:30:17.680 --> 00:30:22.799 things that are theory to us. Their experiences that we have and I think 434 00:30:22.839 --> 00:30:26.039 these podcasts will continue to encourage you, let you know that there are other 435 00:30:26.079 --> 00:30:30.319 people doing this ministry, if you're involved in this ministry. And, yeah, 436 00:30:30.359 --> 00:30:33.519 I think we have a little bit to offer in this world of ministry. 437 00:30:33.559 --> 00:30:37.480 That will that will equip you. Yeah, yeah, we've had lots 438 00:30:37.519 --> 00:30:41.039 of people tell us, yeah, that it's very quipping. The next one 439 00:30:41.119 --> 00:30:45.200 we kind of went over, but but number six on our bonus ideas was 440 00:30:45.279 --> 00:30:49.240 practice sharing the gospel in five minutes. Yeah, and we talked about you 441 00:30:49.240 --> 00:30:52.519 know, having a paragraph on the literature is good, but but if you 442 00:30:52.599 --> 00:30:56.960 can speak it in if you've only got a limited time and you can do 443 00:30:57.000 --> 00:31:00.920 that in five minutes, I think that's very valuable. Yeah, that you've 444 00:31:00.960 --> 00:31:04.480 planted that seed and the only way you're going to be able to do that, 445 00:31:04.519 --> 00:31:07.400 honestly, is practice it. You really do have to practice it. 446 00:31:07.599 --> 00:31:11.400 Yeah, because most of us will go on and on and on. Right, 447 00:31:11.559 --> 00:31:15.640 yeah, and it'll they'll get bored, they want to leave whatever. 448 00:31:15.720 --> 00:31:18.359 Yeah, yeah, right, right now. And then the last one. 449 00:31:18.480 --> 00:31:22.599 We got through all of them. The last one is social media. Present 450 00:31:22.279 --> 00:31:30.599 presence is very important for attracting volunteers, for letting others know what the ministry 451 00:31:30.680 --> 00:31:33.920 is all about, for letting abortion minded people know that there's a ministry out 452 00:31:33.960 --> 00:31:41.519 there. Yeah, but always keep in mind confidentiality is really important patients of 453 00:31:41.599 --> 00:31:47.039 the MOMS. Yeah, don't post pictures of MOMS, don't videotape MOMS, 454 00:31:47.079 --> 00:31:52.559 don't do any of that without explicit, probably written, permission, because that 455 00:31:52.640 --> 00:31:57.480 will destroy the trust, yea, of those MOMS to come and confide in 456 00:31:57.559 --> 00:32:00.480 you. Yeah. Yeah, so you can post stories, but keep them 457 00:32:00.519 --> 00:32:04.319 general. Yeah, General. So a mom can't be identified, right, 458 00:32:04.480 --> 00:32:07.599 yeah, like we often do. We've been in this podcast. We don't 459 00:32:07.640 --> 00:32:10.640 identified by their name. We give them a fake name or just call them 460 00:32:10.640 --> 00:32:14.359 by the first letter of their name or something like that. But social media 461 00:32:14.440 --> 00:32:16.480 is powerful. Yeah, I could have a pray request. Yeah, and 462 00:32:16.640 --> 00:32:21.440 social media, even while I'm going through it. Sometimes I'll put out a 463 00:32:21.440 --> 00:32:23.640 facebook post. Hey, mom, I'm talking to a mom and she's in 464 00:32:23.680 --> 00:32:27.880 the Valley of the decision with you all. Pray Right, yeah, you 465 00:32:28.039 --> 00:32:30.880 can't. It can be powerful. That's good. We hope this list of 466 00:32:30.960 --> 00:32:36.279 essentials helped you and hope it was an encouragement to you. We'd love for 467 00:32:36.319 --> 00:32:39.680 you to reach out to us. Maybe there's some things that are essential for 468 00:32:39.759 --> 00:32:43.880 your outreach ministry that we wouldn't we didn't talk about. Maybe we do a 469 00:32:43.920 --> 00:32:45.200 whole podcast about it, I don't know. Reach out to us, reach 470 00:32:45.200 --> 00:32:49.720 out to meet Daniel at Love Life Dot Org. You can reach her Vicky 471 00:32:49.720 --> 00:32:52.480 at Love Life Dot Org. We'd love to hear from you, guys, 472 00:32:52.720 --> 00:33:00.519 and until next time, God bless God, bless you all. It out 473 00:33:00.799 --> 00:33:13.160 left for love. Give me our life for gratitude. I know it will 474 00:33:13.200 --> 00:33:22.160 cost me my life. Nothing's too precious since I met you.